+971 45 656130


We Are Deals In These Herbicides Products List

Selective Herbicides control specific weed species, while leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed, while non-selective Herbicides can be used to clear waste ground,

  • Acetochlor
  • Alachlor
  • Anilofos
  • Atrazine
  • Bromoxynil
  • Butachlor
  • Chlorimuron ethyl
  • ClodinafopPropargyl
  • Cyhalofop - Butyl
  • Desmedipham

  • Ethofumesate
  • Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl
  • Fluchloralin
  • Glyphosate
  • Imazethapyr
  • Isoproturon
  • Metribuzin
  • Metsulfuron-Methyl
  • Oxadiazon
  • Oxyfluorfen

  • Paraquat Dichloride
  • Pendimethalin
  • Pretilachlor
  • Phenmedipham
  • Quizalofop p-ethyl
  • Sulfosulfuron
  • Trifluralin
  • 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic
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